Frequently Asked Questions

Please click on a question below to discover the answer

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How much does shipping cost?

Shipping is a flat rate of $12 Australia wide.

We ship internationally to the USA. Shipping to the states is a flat rate of $25 AUD.

How long will my order take to be delivered?

We ship with Australia Post. Delivery within Australia is generally within 2-6 business days once your order has been fulfilled. Please allow IndyColours 2-3 business days to fulfil your order.

Please note, delivery times are generally longer during busy periods, such as Christmas and EOFY sales.

How can I track my order?

Once your order has been fulfilled you will receive an email including tracking information. Tracking is performed on the postal carriers website.

Will I have to pay customs or import taxes?

All international customers are responsible for the customs rates within their own country. For further information, please contact your local customs office. IndyColours will declare FULL $ value on international shipments and will include an invoice for customs should they require it. Unfortunately IndyColours CAN NOT put a lower value on the parcel.

Can I make a change to my order?

No, once your order has been fulfilled we are not able to make any changes. Rest assured you are able to return your items to us if they're not quite right. Please view our returns policy for further information.

What do I do if my order is incorrect or faulty?

Please contact us ASAP with your Order Number and details so that we can arrange a replacement for you. If you are within Australia we will send you a Prepaid Postage Label to cover the postage costs to return. For International customers please speak with us to sort out postage return and replacement.

Can I pick up my order?

No, IndyColours is online only. We do not have a storefront where you may pick up your order.

Do you offer exchanges?

Unfortunately we do not offer exchanges. If you’d like to exchange for another item, we recommend you purchase the item to secure it and we will process a refund on the returned item.

Please refer to our Returns Policy for further information.

How do I use a discount or promo code?

Promo Codes may be entered in the checkout. Simply type in your code and click “apply" and your discount will be automatically applied to your order.